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Create Your Own Story

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We are always creating our own stories- – mostly it’s about things that aren’t working out. So since we are good at creating the yuck stuff, why not create a really great story. Like – this year I exceeded my enrollment goals by 30% by just putting a really great referral program in place. It cost nothing. Or this year I got my staff to work as a cohesive creative unit and all I had to do was have regular and impactful staff training sessions on the basics – listening and dealing with conflict. Ah – a perfect world.


300 Plagiarized Essays To Watch Out For

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Someone uploaded 340 college and high school essays onto Mininova, one
of the more popular peer-to-peer bittorent download sites. I am
bringing this to your attention along with the titles of all the essays
so you and all our educational colleagues might be aware that they are
out there for free download and passing on as a student’s work. I have
put the three pages of essays in alpha title order by page to make it a
bit easier to check against.

Yes, I am 100% pro-student and academic customer service is what I
preach and teach to colleges and universities. But as I keep telling
everyone, academic customer service does not in any way mean pandering
to or coddling students. As I discuss in

Say My Name, Say My Name

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I just walked by five people in this building and did not know their names. I hate that. There was a time here at PForm where everybody knew everybody … by name, rank AND serial number. But since PForm continues to grow by leaps and bounds, it’s become increasingly difficult to get to know people on a first name basis.

But I’m gonna try – as God as my witness. Why? Because – like Cheers – I want to go where everybody knows my name. And vice versa.

I love visiting schools where everyone knows your name. Career colleges pride themselves on making students feel like a person and NOT a number. And, believe me, students eat that up. When I went to college and sat …

Choosing a Recession Proof Career

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It’s becoming more of a reality with each passing day even if politicians are averse to use the proper term.

We are in a recession.

Promoting in Wal-Mart

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Here’s a way-out idea that might just work. We just found out that Wal-Mart is working to change its image in a variety of ways.