
OUR MISSION: To be an unrelenting advocate for career colleges and the students who attend them.

OUR VISION: To create a better understanding of the impact of career education on the lives of students, the American workforce and our nation’s economy.


  • Action: Our articles and editorials are written with a real intent to spark action and awareness within the sector while also demanding change on the part of political leaders.
  • Develop: Develop partnerships with employers to assist work transition for career college graduates.
  • Voice: We open the pages of our magazine and website to school leaders who want to share their opinions on the most important issues of the day.
  • Original Perspective: Given the lack of media providing a fair and balanced view of the for-profit education sector, our reports, blogs and related content share a unique perspective on the industry not found anywhere else.
  • Communication: Through our social media outlets and aggregation efforts, we share information critical to the sector and continue conversations that provide real answers to the sector’s challenges.
  • Aggregate: We collect the news influencing career education and disseminate it to executives and leaders in the sector to raise awareness about potential threats and opportunities.
  • Ties: The career college sector of higher education has always been a tight-knit group of forward-thinking educators. Our efforts strengthen those ties by creating communication outlets for them to rally around and share ideas.
  • Educate: Our reports help those within and outside of our sector understand the real value of for-profit education.

In the battle for respect and legitimacy for career education, Career College Central vows to be the ADVOCATE our students, staff and champions deserve. Join the definitive voice of the career college sector of higher education online, in print and in spirit. Together, our voice will be heard.