Training CAN be Personal!!!

In my 17 years in this business, one thing that has remained consistent is the desire to find that HOT new program, and to be the first to offer it. Well, the best way, in my opinion, to search for that program is to keep your eye on the Bureau of Labor Statistics and compare growing job opportunities to how many schools offer that training. That’s how my friend Jeff found Personal Fitness Training. Lots of jobs, people starting their own PT businesses, and the only legitimate path was a four-year degree – total overkill for the skill sets needed to earn $40,000 – $90,000 a year.

Besides, talk about a curriculum with passion. Jeff’s PT students at his Pinnacle Career Institute campuses in Kansas City, Mo., and Lawrence, Kan., come from as far as two hours away, and retention has been outstanding. Of course, it’s easy to retain students when they know that they get to attend a week-long boot camp in Las Vegas, Nev., during their last term, with fitness celebrities and world-renowned instructors, culminating with the NSCA CPT exam on the final day.

Now Jeff has figured out a way to take this national … check this out.

He hired David Swalve, a man with background in career education, a fitness education from West Point, and experience in curriculum development, compliance and operations. David is now marketing this program, the Professional Fitness Institute, including the celebrity-based marketing materials AND the Las Vegas boot camp, to and through accredited career colleges. Schools actually facilitate Professional Fitness Institutes for their communities.

This program is awesome. Schools get the hottest new curriculum ready to submit to their accrediting bodies (both ACICS and ACCSCT have approved the program), proven marketing materials, including the use of some of the top fitness and bodybuilding celebrities in the world, and the students get an all-expense-paid boot camp (which has been an incredible retention tool). They also get to sit for the prestigious NSCA CPT exam, and they have a path forward into a career field they are passionate about. Win, Win, Win.

It’s going to be interesting, with all the schools asking to be part of this program already, to see who signs up first in each market, as PFI is offering exclusive licenses by DMA. I’ll keep you posted!

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