Tomorrow’s Workforce Requires Career Training

Four-year degree not required

There is a widely held belief that the only way to find a worthwhile career is to earn a Bachelor’s degree. That simply isn’t true. There are growing opportunities for individuals with training in healthcare, business, technology and other fields for which career training, but not four years of college, is needed.

According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, the fastest-growing occupational field today is as a home health aid. Employment numbers in this field are expected to increase by 56 percent between now and 2014, employing 350,000 Americans. The best way to prepare for this in-demand career is with training from a career school, not a four-year degree from a university.

The rest of the national top ten fastest-growing fields include:

  • computer network systems and data communications analysts
  • medical assistants
  • physician assistants
  • computer software engineers
  • physical therapist assistants
  • dental hygienists
  • dental assistants
  • personal and home care aids
  • computer network systems administrators

In fact, 50 percent of the 30 fastest-growing occupations listed by the Bureau of Labor Statistics only require short-term training, making career colleges the most significant source of postsecondary education in the U.S. today. Due to the high workplace demand for these fields, it’s no wonder the career college industry is experiencing remarkable growth.

Kenneth Gray, an education professor at Penn State, cites a study in which 43 percent of people with Bachelor’s degrees found themselves 18 months after graduation in jobs that didn’t require a four-year degree. He also noted between 20 and 30 percent of college graduates eventually enroll at technical schools to pick up the skills required for high-skill/high-wage jobs.

A postsecondary education is necessary for those who want a good job, but a traditional college education is no longer the only way to get it. The education offered by career colleges has proven a desirable alternative for today’s students and tomorrow’s workforce.

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