MaxKnowledge and CCA Launch New Online Course: Time & Stress Management for Career College Instructors

Santa Ana , CA , July 12, 2005 – MaxKnowledge and Career College Association today announced the availability of a new online training course for career college faculty.

Time & Stress Management for Career College Instructors is facilitated by MaxKnowledge faculty, Dr. Melissa Read. Dr. Read’s area of specialization is Human Factors Psychology with a focus on workplace issues such as job stress, time management, human-technology interaction and learning.

“Outstanding teachers serve their students by guiding them through their coursework and motivating them to complete program requirements. Career college instructors are often faced with high stress resulting from heavy teaching loads and limited time. When teachers cannot manage their own time and stress, they cannot fully serve the needs of their students. This course will show career college instructors how to manage time and stress in their lives and teach some of these skills to their students,” said Dr. Gary Meers, MaxKnowledge Director of Education.

“Career college instructors live very complex lives. Often teaching schedules are planned around the odd times when students are available to take classes. Many career college instructors work part-time as teachers and full-time in industry. When you top all of this off with family and personal responsibilities, it becomes a real challenge for instructors to perform their teaching duties effectively. But lesson plans must be developed, questions from students must be answered, and homework must be graded – to name just a few things. This course has been designed specifically for career college instructors to help them accomplish their tasks and live a less stressful life,” said Dr. Melissa Read.

The online course is delivered in an asynchronous fashion and participants receive 0.4 Continuing Education Units upon successful completion of the training. The course is available on a continuous enrollment basis on the MaxKnowledge training portal:

About CCA
The Career College Association is a voluntary membership organization of private, postsecondary schools, institutes, colleges and universities that provides career-specific educational programs. CCA’s 1,200 member institutions educate and support more than a million students each year for employment in over 200 occupational fields. For more information, visit:

About MaxKnowledge, Inc.
In partnership with the Career College Association, MaxKnowledge offers a wide variety of online and blended performance improvement training programs to enhance the quality, efficiency and profitability of career colleges. Subject areas include: Admissions, Education (Faculty Training & Development), eLearning, Financial Aid, Marketing, Operations, Placement and Retention. MaxKnowledge training courses are facilitated by leading career education experts and participants receive Continuing Education Units upon completion of training. MaxKnowledge also offers a large selection of free courses in soft skills areas such as communications skills, management, leadership, creativity and innovation. For more information, visit:

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