Internet … more than the new pet rock

I thought CCA was a good time. I met and spoke with a lot of the Wall Street crowd, some old friends and some new ones, too. All in all it was an exciting foray into the new world of the Internet and time well-spent with those who think it's the new pet rock and those who say it will soon be more than 50 percent of their lead flow. I also read some interesting ideas about response time. In my world, it will still make the single biggest impact in whether or not those leads see your front door.

Response time is essential in any business. If you are looking for someone to hang an awning at your house, chances are the guy who gets to you first will also see you sooner. Then it becomes a sales, first impression, product utilization issue. But, if he were the last guy two days later, you may be up to your ears in salespeople by then and just pass. It's one of those things that just sort of makes sense to me. The other thought is if you have something unique and not that easy to find in the open market, maybe time won't matter much. I just don't see that in medical assisting or allied health.

The Internet, however, is a great, cost-effective way to level the playing field in at least one area. You need a good web site, a good optimization agent and a good admissions rep to have the patience to stay with the call and answer the question and still ask for and get an appointment that shows. You can get started on all of this today, if you wish. You had better believe that the company you will be keeping on that playing field is playing hardball and expecting to win. So, when you get into the game, go at it to walk away with a prize – more starts.

The large public groups really don't care much that you have an additional 100 or 1,000 starts. Actually, we are all pretty low on their radar. What they do care about is the individual performances of their schools, lead to interview to start, and their upcoming EPS. They will pay attention to and strengthen where they need to. Customer service and student satisfaction are still all great opportunities for the smaller school. Beef up your Internet site, work with your reps, and knock the leads' socks off when they call you and walk in.

It's a great start!

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