Career College Central Summary:

  • The yawning chasm of a potential loss of accreditation reportedly faced Gordon College just a few months back.
  • It seemed that the Christian school’s Statement of Life and Conduct included “homosexual practice” as a forbidden activity and that had riled the politically correct officials at the New England Association of Schools and Colleges.
  • But, according to a report from the Gospel Coalition, that threat was removed when the association said its pending review of college practices was routine.
  • Now, however, that or a similar consequence could be facing every Christian college, university or other school in the nation – a threat that was issued directly by the Obama administration.
  • It came during the oral arguments before the U.S. Supreme Court this week on whether the justices will mandate same-sex “marriage” across the country, as it already has been forced by individual federal judges on more than two dozen states.
  • The threat came from Solicitor General Donald Verrilli of the Obama administration during an exchange with Justice Samuel Alito.
  • Alito noted the Bob Jones University case, which involved not sexual orientation but racial issues.
  • “The court held that a college was not entitled to tax exempt status if it opposed interracial marriage or interracial dating. So would the same apply to a university or a college if it opposed same-sex marriage?” Alito asked.
  • Sure thing, Verrilli confirmed, in a way.
  • “You know, I … I don’t think I can answer that question without knowing more specifics, but it’s certainly going to be an issue. I … I don’t deny that. I don’t deny that, Justice Alito. It is … it is going to be an issue,” he said.
  • Reported the coalition, “The government, through its representative, has now signaled that Christian schools may soon be treated like racists and pariahs.”
  • The threat aligned with a warning from a decade ago, the coalition said, from law professor Jonathan Turley, who leans left and supports “gay” rights.
  • He had said, “Many organizations attract members with their commitment to certain fundamental matters of faith or morals, including a rejection of same-sex marriage or homosexuality. It is rather artificial to tell such groups that they can condemn homosexuality as long as they are willing to hire homosexuals as a part of that mission. It is equally disingenuous to suggest that denial of such things as tax exemption does not constitute a content-based punishment for religious views. … The denial of tax-exempt status presents a particularly serious threat to these organization…”.

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