Washington Watch: Recent moves by career colleges usher in new era

As our sector pulls together under the new banner of the Career Education Colleges and Universities (formerly the Association of Private Sector Colleges and Universities), it’s a relief to stand on higher ground and look down, now, at where we were earlier in the year.

Scrutiny and sanctions levelled on our schools — both by the government and news media — have continued deep into 2016. And this has happened in spite of schools improving their practices and complying with new requirements. But the last few months of activity become particularly interesting when you focus on the ways our schools have responded to positively meet these challenges head-on.

With heaps of criticism levelled on them, DeVry and Apollo Group have made moves that ultimately work to improve student outcomes. In a step that gives career college students more leverage, these two giants are making it easier for students to pursue legal action.

According to The Washington Post, DeVry University and University of Phoenix will no longer bar students from filing class-action lawsuits or otherwise taking their grievances to the courts, putting an end to mandatory arbitration clauses that consumer advocates say take away student rights.

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