THE SACRAMENTO BEE: Heald College faces loss of California student aid eligibility

Career College Central Summary:

  • Already facing imminent closure, the for-profit chain Heald College was hit with a potentially fatal blow this week.
  • On Tuesday, the U.S. Department of Education barred the school, which operates campuses in Roseville, Rancho Cordova and eight other California cities, from enrolling new students and slapped its parent company with a $30 million fine, citing an investigation that found Heald had routinely falsified its job placement rates and misled potential students.
  • Now the school may lose out on millions more in Cal Grant scholarships that were set aside for students attending Heald this spring.
  • The California Student Aid Commission halted payments to Heald in February after it failed to provide required documents demonstrating that it was financially stable. A compromise ultimately allowed Heald to collect about $14 million in aid money if students were able to complete the term, which finished last week.
  • But that deal is up for consideration again when the commission votes on whether to terminate Heald’s eligibility for the Cal Grant program, 1 p.m. at its office in Rancho Cordova.

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