Taking to the Airwaves of the Internet

Taking to the Airwaves of the Internet

Imagine America Radio now broadcasting nationwide

They say everything old is new again, and that’s how it can feel when it comes to podcasting. While video is still huge, social media still a must, and sharp branded images still an essential part of your marketing, it turns out that recording a casual conversation can be just as useful for getting the word out about your school and your career training programs.

That’s exactly what the Imagine America Foundation was hoping for when we launched our very own podcast earlier this year, and exactly what we’ve found as we enter our second season of Imagine America Radio. With more than 50,000 downloads, our episodes are reaching high school guidance counselors, workforce development board advisors, Veterans Affairs office officials, the executive staff at career colleges, parents of potential students, and—of course—prospective career college students.

Why podcasting

Podcasts are a fantastic opportunity for brands to share information and connect with listeners without losing your audience to long paragraphs of text or needing a lot of expensive production equipment. And they’re continuing to grow in popularity! In fact, Statista projects there will be 120 million monthly podcast listeners in the United States by 2021—and 164 million listeners by 2023. That’s a huge audience to tap into, and they’re listening at home, in the car, during the workday, and on the treadmill.

Two of the biggest benefits of podcasting are that it doesn’t require a lot of equipment, a lot of capital, or even a lot of time—and that it allows you to talk directly to your audience. You won’t need to fight with the algorithms on a bunch of different social media platforms, research and write an article or series of blog posts. It’s the perfect way to quickly and conveniently share your expertise, your brand, and your services with a captive audience. Plus, you can transcribe the audio for your website—instant blog post!—to help reach both readers and listeners.

The Imagine America Foundation

The Imagine America Foundation is dedicated to helping connect students with the training programs they need to advance their careers. From our scholarship, award, and grant programs to Career College Central to our plethora of online resources, we strive to embody our role as the definitive voice of the career college sector. We took that responsibility literally this year by launching Imagine America Radio and a series of episodes featuring our member schools, favorite vendor partners, and industry experts.

Our episodes are seeing an average between 1,200 and 2,500 downloads each—and growing all the time. Episodes of Imagine America Radio are targeted to audiences in the surrounding areas of the campuses we feature, so that listeners hear the episodes most relevant to their own interests. The targeted episodes are also an invaluable opportunity for our guests to connect with high schools, workforce development boards, and VA offices in their area; it’s a chance for them to be the face of their school and to share direct contact information with listeners. This, in turn, helps our college partners develop long-term relationships with those local high schools and education advisors.



We want to feature your school! Share your career college’s mission, programming, and success with listeners in your area. Each school featured on Imagine America Radio receives the following:

  1. Exposure to high schools, workforce boards, VA offices, and potential new students surrounding your campus locations—through our podcast channel, email, and social media
  1. A dedicated episode webpage that features your logo, school contact information, and links to your own site
  1. Featured placement for your school’s episode in our email campaigns to high schools, workforce development boards, and VA offices
  2. The original MP3 file so you can add it to your website, social media pages, and other platforms of your choosing
  3. Contact information for the high school counselors and teachers, workforce development board coordinators, and VA office advisors who listen to the episode—so that your admissions representatives can follow up with them about scheduling presentations with their students!



Could your brand use some additional exposure? Imagine America Radio is now accepting sponsors!

We are so excited to partner with the biggest names in the industry to get the word out about our podcast and our schools! Here is what an Imagine America Radio sponsorship includes:

  1. A 30- to 50-second introduction explaining who you are and what you do at the beginning of the episode 
  2. A branded episode webpage that includes your own logo, your own ad, and links to your own site
  3. Email announcement of the episode to our robust contact list that includes your logo and write-up
  4. A list of the college contacts who listen to the episode
  5. Your brand’s permanent inclusion in our podcast channel


Listen to the podcast:

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