Student Success: Overcoming Life Obstacles

Career College Central Summary:

  • Already as a young man, Johnathan Edwards has overcome many life obstacles. At the age of two, his mother and two brothers passed away in a house fire. At the time, Johnathan was staying with his grandmother, who passed shortly after the tragedy. A guiding star in his life, his aunt raised him along with her four kids.
  • As a freshman in high school he moved to Oakland and attended Oakland High School, where he excelled in the JROTC program. In his junior year he received the African America Achievement Award for his 3.25 GPA. In his final year of high school, Johnathan and became Lieutenant Colonel; the highest ranked cadet in his high school at the time.
  • Straight after graduating high school, Johnathan enrolled in the Medical Assistant program at Carrington College California in San Leandro, CA. Nothing was going to stop Johnathan from getting an education, not even the one hour bus ride to the school and back. In the 11 months that Johnathan attended Carrington College he did not miss one day.

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