PR WEB: Imagine America Fact Book 2015 Presents A Data-Supported Look At The Impressive Accomplishments Of Career Colleges

Career College Central Summary:

  • Despite facing great challenges and, at times, turmoil, America's career colleges continue to make a positive impact on students and the American economy.
  • The Imagine America Foundation (IAF) has announced the release of the 2015 Fact Book to offer a data-supported look at the impressive accomplishments of the career college sector of higher education.
  • For close to two decades, IAF has funded the research of numerous studies to show how career training-oriented colleges make valuable contributions to the American workforce and, in essence, help change people’s lives by empowering them with education – and finding them careers, not jobs.
  • Prepared by leading industry analysts, the Fact Book contains research and analysis of important trends in the career college sector of higher education. The Fact Book presents a comprehensive look at the career college sector of higher education, as well as a comparison of public and private two-year and four-year institutions.
  • “Our schools are all about making an impact on their communities and the Fact Book presents a central clearinghouse of information that shows exactly the important impact,” said Robert L. Martin, President/CEO of the Imagine America Foundation. “If you want to know the sector’s true impact on the community, on student outcomes and graduation, and on the future of our workforce, this publication is your essential guide.”

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