NORTHWEST GEORGIA NEWS: Unnecessary change may do unintended harm

Career College Central Summary:

  • The name of the Technical College System of Georgia ain’t broke. At least so say former Columbus Tech President Bob Jones and 19 other retired Georgia technical college presidents, among others.
  • Nevertheless, Gov. Nathan Deal has decided it needs fixing. And opponents think the “fix” the governor has proposed might actually create a broken place where none existed before.
  • Just before the 2015 session of the Georgia General Assembly opened in January, Deal announced in a speech to the Georgia Chamber of Commerce that “I have decided to rename our Technical College System of Georgia, calling it the Georgia Career College System … I think it is a better reflection of what they actually do and will encourage more to attend these schools.”
  • Legislation to officially make that change has already cleared the House and is still in committee in the Senate.
  • According to a report in the Athens Banner-Herald, current employees and administrators of Technical College System member schools, while privately acknowledging they oppose the change, were publicly mum on the subject. That’s certainly understandable — the elected officials pushing for the change are the ones these colleges depend on to approve their funding.

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