NATIONAL PUBLIC RADIO: How Higher Ed Can Up Its Game: 3 Big Ideas

Take a big room in Manhattan with more than 100 people, all of them fired up about education. Add some dramatic lighting and booming PA announcements, and you've got last week's New York Times Schools for Tomorrow conference. And everybody there, from university presidents to ed tech startups, was talking about how higher education is changing.

Here are some of the themes and ideas that stole the show.

1. Doing more for low-income, high-achieving students

Helping those students graduate is vital, and colleges and universities right now aren't doing enough.

Vassar's president, Catharine Bond Hill, talked about her school's orientation programs — and the importance of support on campus for first-generation students. There was also talk about how on-campus mentors can be incredibly helpful, since the academic culture can be such a cultural shock from the comparatively insulated world of high school.


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