Marketing to High Schoolers

high school scholarships

Marketing to High Schoolers

Trade schools have long been thought of as an option for adults: those who are looking for a change in their professional path or to improve skills they’ve learned on the job. But more and more recent high school graduates are thinking of career training programs when they consider their next step after graduation.

Four-year degrees from traditional universities are not the only option anymore. Students have a wide range of interests, obligations, and plans for their future, and their education options reflect that. But just as the tide is changing on what options are available to younger students, so are the best practices for marketing to them.

The Imagine America Foundation has long been striving to be a trusted resource in the career college sector—for both students and schools alike. We exist to help prospective students find the right program for them and to succeed in their educational journey from beginning to end. That’s why we provide a selection of resources designed specifically to help schools find the recent high school graduates who can most benefit from their certificate and degree programs.


No good organization can survive without strong relationships, and the Imagine America Foundation is no different. IAF is proud to connect our services with both schools and counselors for the benefit of high school students and recent graduates.

Database of schools

We partner with schools all across the country. These institutions provide both on-campus and online programming that covers a wide range of industries. Students are looking for relevant, up-to-date education and these schools work hard to exceed their expectations. Our member institutions are included in a searchable database so that students can find them by industry, program type, or location.

Counselor network

Our directory of schools is also shared with our nationwide network of high school counselors. Counselors are eager to receive information about schools that could be the right fit for their students, so IAF provides updated school directories every month. We also strive to engage our counselors in conversations about the value of career training programs, the availability of schools in their area, and how we can help them best support our most important partners: our students.

Financial Support

Imagine America knows that financing is often one of the biggest hurdles that students face when deciding whether to pursue postsecondary education. We’ve developed a number of resources that help students make smart decisions and to help make attending school more affordable.

Scholarship and award programs

IAF offers three scholarship and award programs to benefit recent high school graduates, military personnel, and adult learners. These programs have provided more than $180 million to students enrolled in career training programs. Our high school scholarship program offers eligible recent graduates the opportunity to receive a $1,000 discount on their tuition at one of our partner schools.

Financial Planning Made Simple

The Financial Planning Made Simple (FPMS) tool is designed specifically to help students understand the choices they make regarding financial planning. Whether it’s understanding the differences between grants, scholarships, loans, and work-study programs or creating and sticking to a budget, FPMS helps students learn how to start (and finish) school with a strong financial foundation.

Information Resources

Blog series

The IAF blog is a robust resource featuring articles on everything from choosing a program and finding a roommate to creating a budget and preparing for that first interview. We know that succeeding in school takes more than just getting to class and completing homework, so we want to prepare students for holistic success. This is especially important for recent high school grads, who may not have lived on their own before.

Career College Central

The most trusted voice in the career college sector, Career College Central reaches thousands of readers each quarter with news from the industry, marketing trends, the value of specific postsecondary education, and more. Our magazine is shared by industry stakeholders and counselors to help create the most effective and relevant education possible for students.

Mobile app

IAF’s mobile app is available for free download on both Android and iOS devices. Find schools, apply for scholarships, check application status, and more—this handy app is useful for school administrators, counselors, and students alike. Plus, it makes it easier than ever to keep up with IAF right from your phone.


The digital landscape continues to evolve, and marketing best practices keep changing. You might be looking for the best way to get in touch with high schoolers and we can help! As a partner institution with IAF, we will help get your name and information about your programs to prospective students.

In addition to our online directories and regular email communication with high school counselors, we’ve launched a webinar series! These live online events are a great opportunity for schools to engage with counselors, share information about their institution and their programs, and answer questions. They’re interactive, which gives schools a chance to have an actual conversation with counselors who are seeking to learn about the options available to students.

High schoolers and recent graduates are eager to get information about all the postsecondary possibilities out there. Let the Imagine America Foundation help your career training programming stand out as a great choice.

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