FOX 17: West Michigan student joins nationwide debt strike; refuses to pay student loans

Career College Central Summary:

  • A woman who attended Everest Institute in Grand Rapids is now refusing to pay her student loan debt, claiming the for-profit college misled students.
  • Mallory Heiney is part of the Corinthian 15, a national group raising awareness about America’s student loan debt crisis.
  • At 21 years old, she has nearly $30,000 in student loan debt for a licensed practical nurse diploma she received from Everest.
  • In 2013, she went to the college to inquire about the program. She said the enrollment process was rushed and filled with empty promises.
  • “She assured me I would not be paying on my loans through school,” Heiney said. “Two months in, I get this bill for over $100. So, I go back in and ask and she says, ‘Well, I told you, you wouldn’t be paying on your loans through school…this is on the interest on your loans.'”
  • Heiney said it’s those types of tactics that the school used on her and all other students.
  • She said the school even added in a new fee between semesters that forced students to either take out a third loan or drop out of the program.
  • “We were not allowed to get our books and we weren’t allowed to be there if we didn’t take out this other loan,” she said.
  • To make matters worse, eight months into the program Heiney said she learned the school would be shutting down. She said she was given the options to continue to the program as is, transfer to another location or opt out of the program and get her money back.

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FOX 17

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