Expert Outlines Litmus Test for Conservative Education Secretary

Education policy expert Frederick Hess on Monday published a list of 10 criteria that conservatives could use to select a reform-minded and principled secretary of education.

Hess, the director of education policy studies at the American Enterprise Institute, wrote in National Review that the next secretary of education cannot just be a reformer, because “the ‘reform’ camp is rife with politically correct, big-government liberals who happen to like charter schooling.” The next secretary, he said, should be prepared to “roll back Obama-era overreach” in addition to reforming schools.

President-elect Donald Trump has not outlined many specifics about his education policy agenda. Trump’s transition website states that he will expand school choice “through charters, vouchers, and teacher-driven learning models,” encourage affordable college access “through technology enriched delivery models,” and roll back federal regulations that “inhibit innovation.”

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