eNEWS PARK FOREST: Senator Durbin to ITT Tech: Stop the Hypocrisy & Give Student Their ‘Day in Court’

Career College Central Summary:

  • U.S. Senator Dick Durbin (D-IL) today called out the for-profit college chain ITT Technical Institute for complaining that its “day in court [is] long overdue” while in its enrollment documents, the company prohibits students from filing suit in a court of law against the company either as an individual or as part of a class action – essentially denying students their own “day in court.” 
  • “Students are forced into arbitration proceedings that deny them the precedents and protections of court proceedings.  With these enrollment terms, ITT Tech is shielding itself from liability and accountability,” wrote Durbin.  “Given your firm position that ITT Tech deserves its ‘day in court’, surely you believe your students deserve the same.  That is why today I am calling on you to immediately cease enforcement of any arbitration clauses, class-action bans, or other contractual roadblocks that prevent students from bringing claims against ITT Tech before a court of law and to remove any such provisions from future enrollment documents.”

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