EDUCATION DIVE: Pearson’s Don Kilburn talks remediation costs and outcomes

Career College Central Summary:

  • It's no secret that remediation is a major concern in education today. According to research out of Columbia University's Teachers College, an estimated 60% of community college students require it, and around $4 billion in state and federal funds are spent on it each year. The need for remedial learning is likely to gain even more of the spotlight as President Barack Obama's plan to provide free community college to qualifying students moves forward, as successfully addressing the issue could prove critical to the plan's success.
  • It's a topic Pearson North America President Don Kilburn feels particularly strong about. According to Kilburn, there are three core areas where modest improvement can reduce the cost of remediation and improve outcomes significantly: assessing outcomes at every stage, including products and services; using ed tech as the catalyst for improvement; and providing professional development on new tools and methods.
  • We caught up with Kilburn—who sees the world's largest education publisher's mission as one of social responsibility—at last week's SXSWedu in Austin, TX, to discuss remediation, as well as the PowerSchool sale and Pearson's response to a recent Politico article questioning its business practices.
  • EDUCATION DIVE: Just to start out, tell me a little bit about what you’ve seen in Pearson’s research into lowering remediation costs, and what works and doesn’t work?

    • DON KILBURN: To me, it’s a really critical issue because you have kids graduating from high school who aren’t really college-ready at that point. And if they’re not college-ready, they’re probably not career-ready at the same time. I think that’s an issue that kind of gets lost in the discussion: For those who don’t want to go right to college, are they ready for a career? A lot of that’s around basic skills, like math and numeracy and literacy and that kind of thing.
    • There’s a couple of attack points. One is to actually get at that through high schools. The other is now appearing in community colleges on a regular basis. From our standpoint, we’ve created some developmental products—in particular, our math product. That has measurable gains for some students and also can be administered in a self-paced manner, or [the teacher] can directly teach. We’ve got a suite of products that actually will help move the needle on that performance. We can do so much to actually help and produce products and talk about the issue, but I do think there’s a policy issue there. There’s a bigger issue than just Pearson around that that we actually have to address, because in a global competitive environment, if we’re not getting people ready to actually compete, it’s going to be a problem. 
    • The other part that’s important is making sure that we set the right standards for kids, especially as they’re in high school. What are the outcomes we’re trying to measure in high school? And some of the movement around higher standards and more consistent standards across the country, I think, are actually trying to get us to that point where Alabama has the same standards as Massachusetts, so you know that when someone actually gets up through high school, they have ‘x’ proficiency. And I know there’s quite a bit of debate about that, but they have some proficiency around something that we can measure. I think that’s important.
  • What metrics do you think are best for measuring outcomes at each stage? Are there any that should be abandoned? There’s also a little bit of debate in that arena.

    • KILBURN: I’ll answer generally, because I think you’re right—there’s quite a bit of debate and I’m not going to solve that debate. First, I’ve gotta measure where you’re going to go at the end of the day, what’s the outcome you’re looking for. I think that’s the first discussion to have. Then once you determine that, then you can actually figure out what’s the progression to get to that outcome and how do you measure that on a regular basis.
    • One of the things that’s very exciting going forward is we’re actually at the stage now where we can begin to assess where you’re at in the beginning of a class. We can then serve up personalized content to you, and then we can go back on regular intervals and assess how you’re making progress against those outcomes, and continually customize for areas you’re weaker in or need more help—?or accelerate in areas that you are stronger in, ?so the learning experience can get very personalized to your ability.
    • I think that’s also important, because you look at classrooms and you’ve got the bell-shaped curve of performance. The teacher can only attend to the middle, because it’s really a struggle on the outside to actually deal with the students who are struggling or the students who are going faster. This ability to personalize around that and measure those outcomes and continue to move faster or move slower is going to be very helpful.

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