Coyne College: 20 Years of Partnership with Imagine America

Coyne College: 20 Years of Partnership with Imagine America

Mallory Herrmann

The Imagine America Foundation has been honored all year to celebrate the twentieth anniversary of our scholarship and award programs. We are grateful to work with so many wonderful career training institutions and as part of our year-long celebration, we have decided to profile some of our most valuable partners—and in this edition, we turn our attention to Coyne College, a valued IAF partner since 1999.

About Coyne College

Founded in 1899 as the Coyne Electrical School of Chicago, it quickly established itself as one of the largest electrical training schools in the United States. As technology experienced rapid growth and development through the middle of the twentieth century, Coyne added programs in HVAC-R, radio repair, and television repair—and later merging with the American Institute of Engineering and Technology. As their course catalog evolved and additional acquisitions were made, the school changed its name to Coyne College in 2010 and established its current location in Chicago’s Loop district in 2016.

Today, Coyne remains committed to providing career-focused training in the skilled trades and offers students a variety of support programs (including academic assistance, a robust resource center, and career services) to ensure success at each step of their educational journey.

Partnership with IAF

Since the Imagine America Foundation started the scholarship and award programs in 1999, thousands of students have been supported with millions of dollars’ worth of tuition discounts nationwide. At Coyne College alone, more than 1,200 students have enrolled with financial help from IAF’s programs.

“We have been honored to work with Coyne these twenty years,” says Bob Martin, president and CEO of the Imagine America Foundation. “Their work and support of students is critical to their school’s success, and we value the opportunity to help their students succeed through our scholarship programs.”

Programs at Coyne

Electrical Construction

Electricity is where it all started with Coyne, and today they continue to offer two hands-on training programs in the field. Students who enroll in their electrical construction and planning associate degree program prepare for a career as an electrician, earning the skills to install and maintain the electrical devices and wiring that homes, offices, and other buildings depend on.

Coyne’s electrical construction and maintenance program offers students the opportunity to earn their diploma in the same field—and in less time than it takes to earn an associate degree.

HVAC Refrigeration

Nearly all buildings in both commercial and residential areas rely on heating, ventilation, air conditioning, and refrigeration systems to function efficiently (and comfortably!). And as the industry continues to evolve in order to provide more energy-efficient and technology-based systems, it needs trained technicians who are skilled in their installation, maintenance, and management.

Coyne’s HVAC and refrigeration diploma program offers hands-on training and courses taught by industry professionals, preparing students to service both domestic and commercial HVAC-R systems in as few as 42 weeks.

Medical Assistant

For those seeking a career path that can allow them to help people in need, training to become a medical assistant can be a great choice. The medical assistant diploma program is an opportunity for students to learn how to perform administrative and clinical procedures, including a focused segment on electronic health records and an externship, in as few as 54 weeks.

Graduates of the program may find work in physicians’ offices, medical centers, medical billing offices, hospitals, and other healthcare-related facilities.

Medical Billing and Coding

With the healthcare field continuing to grow and the health insurance industry continuing to evolve, medical billing and coding specialists are critical to both. These specialists must have a firm grasp of medical terminology, health records management, insurance procedures, billing software, medical coding, business communications, office administration, and other best practices.

At Coyne, students can prepare for a career as a medical billing and coding specialist in physicians’ offices, with medical billing service providers, hospitals, and health insurance companies. Their diploma program can be completed in as few as 48 weeks, including an externship.

Pharmacy Technician

Just as the need for healthcare is growing—as advances are made, populations continue to age, and people are living longer and more active lives—so is the need for prescriptions and pharmacies.

The pharmacy technician program at Coyne College offers students the opportunity to learn computer order entry, pharmaceutical calculations, recordkeeping, how to mix intravenous solutions and compound products to be dispensed, and more. Graduates can put these skills to use in retail and hospital pharmacies. This diploma program includes an externship and can be completed in as few as 42 weeks.

The Imagine America Foundation is thankful for the partnership we have developed over these last twenty years with Coyne College and we are proud of the education they offer their students. We look forward to many more years of student success together!

For more information about Coyne College, to schedule a visit to your high school, or to apply for admissions, visit

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