COSTAR: Sanford-Brown Colleges Shutting Down Operations Across the Country

Career College Central Summary:

  • More fallout from new federal education rules for student financial aid that kicked in on for-profit colleges last week: Sanford-Brown College, which operates 18 career colleges, announced it will stop accepting new students and plans to phase out its brick-and-mortar schools in favor of online education.
  • The company said it plans to shift focus to its two online universities: Colorado Technical University and American InterContinental University as it completes a "teach-out" at its brick and mortar locations. A teach-out is a gradual discontinuation of operations that is intended to provide students a reasonable opportunity to complete their programs of study before a campus ultimately closes.
  • The closing of the campuses could take anywhere from 18 months to about three years.
  • Due to this closure, former students from Sanford-Brown are available for loan forgiveness.
  • New U.S. Dept. of Education rules took effect the first day of this month that are intended to strengthen the DOE’s oversight of certain career training programs.
  • To qualify for federal student aid, the law requires that most for-profit programs and certificate programs at private non-profit and public institutions prepare students for "gainful employment in a recognized occupation." 

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