CAMPUS TECHNOLOGY: One-Size-Fits-All, 108-Question Financial Aid Form Has To Go

Concerned that a bill from two United States senators proposing the use of as few as two questions to determine financial eligibility for college will gain traction, a national organization of financial aid professionals has presented an alternative for simplifying the process of applying for financial aid.

Earlier this summer, as part of discussions related to reauthorization of the Higher Education Act, Senators Lamar Alexander (R-TN) and Michael Bennett (D-CO) proposed a solution for simplifying the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). Currently, the application typically asks 108 questions — and as many as 136 — to obtain a federal grant or loan for college. That's too many, a bipartisan group of senators have said. Their proposal, named " Fast Act," would reduce the form to two questions: "What is your family size?" and "What is your family income?"

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