BUZZFEED: Education Department Will Meet With Student Debt Strikers

Career College Central Summary:

  • A senior Education Department official will meet Tuesday with former students of the collapsed for-profit college chain Corinthian Colleges who are refusing to pay back their student loans.
  • The department has largely remained silent as the Corinthian “debt strike,” which has expanded from 15 to 100 former students, gained steam. The strike is part of a broader effort to pressure the government into forgiving the debt of former students of the controversial college chain, which is in the process of shutting itself down in the wake of lawsuits and investigations. The strike has gained supporters in Washington and nationally, with several prominent legislators criticizing the Education Department for bailing out the struggling for-profit college operator last summer, but continuing to hold students on the hook for their loans.
  • Former Corinthian students said those loans were taken out because of aggressive and misleading sales practices by the by Everest — allegations backed up by a number of state-level investigations into bad behavior by the company.

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