BRICKELL: CBT College challenges students to ‘Be More’ for their community

Career College Central Summary:

  • The goal of any institution of higher learning always should be to enrich the lives of its students through skill cultivation and the conveyance of great ideas, but the College of Business and Technology — commonly referred to as CBT College — has taken that belief one step further with its new campaign: “Begin. Belong. Be More.”
  • CBT aims to encompass all three major stages of education by challenging students first to “Begin” by choosing to better their lives through enrollment. To “Belong,” students must attend classes, listen to instructors and retain the information they learn. However, according to chief operating officer Monica Llerena, graduating is just the first step students need to take to “Be More.”
  • “Graduating is a goal, but the ‘Be More’ part of our campaign is volunteering and participating in the community,” she said. “When you participate in the community you get ideas, meet people and expand your awareness. We want our students to give back to our community, not just be employed by it. We strongly believe in servant leadership.”
  • Supporting this campaign is CBT’s Student Success Initiative (SSI), which focuses on teaching students to become growing professionals in their chosen fields through soft skill training in areas including communication, teamwork, adaptability, problem solving, conflict resolution and interviewing.
  • “The Student Success Initiative is something very common in our career schools because some of our students have never been interviewed, been to school, know how to study or take a test,” she said. “Since a lot of our programs are linked to certification, it’s very easy to say to a student ‘Okay, you have to pass this test,’ but if they don’t know what real test taking is, there has to be some practice there before.”

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