Measuring the ROI of Your Employee Training Programs

If you are like most career colleges, you are probably very good at calculating the ROI for your various advertising programs but have never measured the ROI for your employee training programs.

I have seen many “quality-driven” schools that view training as an essential component of their continuous improvement plan. The leaders of these institutions are completely sold on the value of training and are convinced that timely and effective training is needed to ensure quality and profitability. Naturally, these quality-driven schools automatically meet the compliance requirements set forth by their licensing and accrediting agencies.

My question for these quality-driven institutions is this. Do you measure the return on investment (ROI) for your employee training programs? I know it’s not easy to isolate and measure the impact of training programs. However, measuring training ROI is good business practice. By determining the return on your training investments, you will be able to select and implement the right programs at the right time to improve your bottom line.

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