Leadership Quote

Recreate your greatest strengths in those you mentor, while helping them hold onto the strengths they brought to the relationship. Sharing how their strengths have helped you often shows them just how much they have to offer, and that by applying what they learned from you, they are NOT YOU, a a better them for that which they have learned.

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Leadership Quote

Educate … knowledge is power and any knowledge you impart empowers those you mentor.

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Leadership Quote

If five people share responsibility for a failure, how does that 100% get divided?  A true leader knows there is only one answer:

You – 100%
Person #2 – 100%
Person #3 – 100%
Person #4 – 100%
Person #5 – 100%

Each individual assuming 100% responsibility for the failure generates 100% effort to correct the problem and make it a success. Add it up and you get 5X the effort.  And by the way, less than 100% always seems to make it someone else's fault. Interesting how that works.

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Leadership Quote

My greatest mentor was a man who could rip me limb from limb when I want performing, yet leave me with my dignity.

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Leadership Quote

If you have not been successfully training leaders, you have no right to refer to yourself as a "leader".  "Cult leader" maybe, but not a "leader."

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Leadership Quote

Avoiding conflict and controversy is avoiding opportunities to lead.

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Leadership Quote

Letting go of emotion is easier than letting go of people.

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1 Comment on "Leadership Quote"

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I agree completely with your thoughts on humility. Robert Greenleaf said that we are “Servant Leaders”, strengthening the hands of the strong. In our leadership retreats, we discuss that it is not about ‘telling’ someone else what to do, it is about ‘listening’ to what they need help with. I cannot lead anyone if I do not truly believe they are strong and capable.

Lou Russell