How to Make Your Resume Shine

Let’s face it. In a matter of seconds a resume will either peak an employer’s interest or get filed in the waste can. A neat, organized resume is no longer enough to get an employer’s attention. Certainly, a strong resume will cover the basics: work history, job duties, dates of employment, education, references, etc, but that may not be enough. Neither is fancy paper, a colorful layout or a pretty font.

In the school industry there is one thing that sets some candidates apart from others – performance on the job. Have you had achievements that you are proud of? Quantifiable results are a quintessential part of any good resume. For example, a DOA is going to want to include key details about starts, retention, and the like. Keep in mind these results must be accurate and verifiable.

Have you won awards? Make sure to list all honors or awards that have been given to you by your current or past employers. If you highlight your performance through statistics and awards or honors given you are sure to separate yourself in the eyes of a prospective employer. Put these statistics and achievements near the top. Don’t hide it at the end under a list of hobbies. Most employers don’t even read all the way to the end of a resume. Don’t forget: this is your moment on stage and Simon Cowell is waiting eagerly to boot you out the door.

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