The Sector that Never Sleeps

Everyone involved in the career college sector of higher education knows that to stay relevant in today’s market you’ve got to be tuned in at all times. You’ve got to be up on the latest trends, and you can’t let any opportunity pass you by. In an industry where staying alert is essential, it makes sense that career college professionals consistently name Las Vegas – the city that never sleeps – as their top destination choice for Career College Association (CCA) Annual Conventions.
In part due to popular demand, the 2008 CCA Convention & Exposition will be held in Las Vegas at the Mandalay Bay Resort and Casino from June 25-27.
Strategic industry positioning also came into play when Las Vegas was chosen for this year’s convention. According to Katie Calabrese, CCA Director of Events, Las Vegas is home to some of the largest and most significant conventions for businesses and associations.
"CCA understands the critical role the city plays, so we believe it’s important to our organization, mission and attendees to position ourselves among the movers and shakers," Calabrese said. "Additionally, the CCA membership truly enjoys Las Vegas."
Those planning to attend this year’s event won’t be disappointed. With key speakers like political visionary and former House Spearker Newt Gingrich and IBM Executive Vice President Nicholas M. Donofrio, the 2008 convention promises to deliver three days of thought-provoking insight.
"In such a critical year of both growth and challenges for the career higher education sector, attendees should expect a jam-packed schedule of events with top-notch educational sessions that cover every major and most minor issues affecting our sector," Calabrese said.
Besides an impressive schedule of breakout sessions and hearing from national leaders, attendees can look forward to a comprehensive update on the Higher Education Act. There will also be the opportunity to see the latest innovations in education from exhibitors, recognize your peers at an awards luncheon and attend a gala sponsored by the Imagine America Foundation.
Major event highlight
From informative breakout sessions to a gala and golf tournament, the CCA Convention never disappoints in terms of features and attractions. In that respect, 2008 won’t break with tradition. However, this year’s CCA Convention has an additional draw.
"The clear highlight is having former House Speaker and conservative political visionary Newt Gingrich address the audience at Friday’s awards luncheon," Calabrese said. "His experience and keen intellect will make CCA’s 2008 convention a can’t-miss opportunity."
Gingrich will present his thoughts on the 2008 presidential election. He will also provide commentary on the current political landscape and how this relates to education, the 21st century workforce and the global marketplace.
Can’t-miss sessions at the 2008 CCA Convention & Exposition
While every breakout session at the CCA Convention is well worth attending, there are a few that promise to deliver vital new information and speak to key industry-focused areas. Below are four highly anticipated sessions you should be sure not to miss.
"All Points Bulletin" – Developments in Campus Crime, Safety and Privacy Regulation
Program Track: Corporate Compliance/Financial Aid
Presenters: Harry Dotson, Concorde Career Colleges Inc.; Jonathan Tarnow, Esq., Drinker Biddle & Reath LLP; Jay Vaughan, Esq., Dow Lohnes PLLC
Time: Wednesday, 3:30 – 4:45 p.m.
Now, more than ever, staying up-to-date on campus crime, safety and privacy regulations is essential. Dotson, Tarnow and Vaughan will discuss developments in these key issues and provide insight into current practices and policy.
Current Perspectives on Student Lending Issues
Program Track: Corporate Compliance/Financial Aid
Presenter: Panel TBD
Time: Thursday, 10:00 – 11:15 a.m.
After a tumultuous year in student lending practices, this session promises to tackle a controversial subject that’s been making national headlines. Now that some of the hype has blown over, speakers will present on the current state of student lending. Learn how the current perception of loan practices will affect the career college sector and directly relate to your school.
Reducing Your Cohort Default Rate: Strategies That Work
Program Track: Corporate Compliance/Financial Aid
Presenters: Anita Kermes, EdFund; John Pierson, FSA; Jeff Arthur, ECPI
Time: Thursday, 1:45 – 3:00 p.m.
Most school owners are trying to reduce their cohort default rates. Find out if you’re letting critical opportunities to reduce your cohort default rate pass you by. In this session, Kermes, Arthur and Pierson will provide indispensable strategies you should be sure not to miss.
Filling the Skilled Worker Shortage – The Role of Career Colleges
Program Track: Research
Presenters: Jane Smalec, Eduventures Inc.; Robert L. Martin, Imagine America Foundation (moderator)
Time: Friday, 10:45 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
As today’s job market becomes increasingly specialized, the need for skilled workers is rising at an unprecedented rate. With Martin acting as moderator, Smalec will provide keen insight into the vital role career colleges play in society by fulfilling this need.
Education is a primary focus of each breakout session. As a result, the 2008 CCA Convention promises to deliver on areas of significance for every individual involved in the career college sector. Whether you’re a fresh face on the scene or an old hand, breakout sessions are sure to provide new perspectives and can’t-miss updates. You can find out more about:

  • Admissions
  • Marketing
  • Education
  • Online education
  • Faculty development
  • Operations
  • Research
  • Corporate compliance/financial aid
  • Student services/placement

The convention will provide breakout sessions ranging from beginner to advanced levels. Hear what career college experts have to say and apply it to your school.
The Mandalay Bay Resort and Casino is located at the south end of the famous Las Vegas Strip. One of Las Vegas’ most impressive destinations, the resort serves as a desert oasis. With the energizing atmosphere of the casino and the elegant ambiance of its restaurants and architecture, guests get the best of both worlds. For those who want to enjoy some Vegas sunshine, the resort features an exceptional pool, beach area and lazy river.

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