Five Things I’m Thankful For

My mother-in-law often asks each person seated at the dinner table on Thanksgiving to mention at least one thing they are thankful for before dinner begins. Given the size of my family and the size of holiday parties we had growing up, every year I am just thankful that I'm no longer still sitting with my knees crumpled under the children's table.

If there was ever a year to reflect on and then offer thanks for your good fortune – if that's been your luck – then it would be 2008. Here's a short list of thanks I'd like to offer in regard to my professional experiences this year.

My Education: When your career involves higher education, it's easy to continually reflect on your own collegiate experience and the mentors that inspired you to make education a lifelong commitment. Profession John Lofflin at Park University taught me that writing was a trade, similar to brick laying or welding, that could be a skill acquired through constant repetition. In writing that sentence, I just clued myself into why it's been so easy for me to believe in and support career training-oriented colleges.

Re-investment in Education: Some Americans are using the bad news they've received in their careers to reinvest in their educations in hopes of making themselves more marketable in today' job market. Career colleges are among those learning institutions helping them do so. To some extent, we all should feel somewhat fortunate to work on the fringe of a sector that functions contrarily to our economy.

Career College Central Magazine: Most of you are familiar with the online version of Career College Central. From what I'm often told at trade shows, you might not be as familiar with our bi-monthly print edition. Working with our writers, graphic designers and photographer to make our magazine unlike any other trade publication around is the high point of my career and creative life. If you aren't subscribing, you need to.

Our Readers: You like what we have to say, but more importantly, you care about it, too. When the first edition of this magazine was printed two years ago, we said our mission was to bring this sector a voice. Well, now you have it. Our readership of both the print and online edition continues to grow. Interest among possible columnists has risen. Thank you for your input.

My Family: My wife and kids often suffer for my dedication to my writing life. I sometimes sneak away to the laundry room to write a quick note to myself, to pen a sentence that popped in my head and won't leave me alone or simply to check e-mail. I imagine the executives reading this piece may have experienced something the same situations and would offer similar apologies and gratitude. On behalf of us all, thank you. 

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