Don’t Burn Those Bridges

Since I joined Hudson Consulting Group almost 6 years ago there has been one consistent piece of advice that I prefer to call words to live by when it comes to any of my staff that interacts in the Education arena with either clients or candidates…Don’t Burn a Bridge! My father gave that advice to me very early in life and meant it for both personal and professional relationships.

I started my career in education over 20 years ago and even though supervisors, peers and subordinates did not always see eye to eye – I’m proud to say that I’ve always left the door open to work through differences. We don’t always have to agree, and if things every got heated, I’d always want to be able to circle back.

Something I’ve noticed in my search consulting experience is that this is not always the case. Quite often candidates will tell me that when they left a particular position that they “spoke their mind” to their supervisors and that they would never work for any of “those people” again.

Whether or not you’ve been terminated, resigned or even given a “raw deal” from an employer – TAKE THE HIGH ROAD! You will leave feeling much better, in all likelihood, your next employer may ask for your previous supervisor as a reference…and to top it off – Proprietary education is a small world…you might end up interviewing in the future with another company and the person you burned that bridge with will be part of the hiring team…Always leave that door open.


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