CCA Convention Planning Update

More than likely, you're as busy planning for the upcoming 2009 CCA Annual Convention & Exposition as we are. Now is as good a time as ever to provide you with an update regarding the progress of June's convention planning. We could also use your help in at least one regard.

As you might have seen, we have finalized U.S. Senator, Chuck Hagel as our keynote speaker on Monday, June 15 and News anchor, Ted Koppel as the keynote speaker for Tuesday, June 16. So far, our attendee registration pick-up is stronger than last year's at this time so that's a good sign. We have our first registration cut-off (for the lowest rates) coming up on April 17 and we hope to continue this positive momentum through June. You can check out all the convention details and our online registration system at our website,

I would like to ask for your help on one item. To date, we have done a very good job of selling the exhibit floor with over 170 companies signed up, taking over 230 spaces but we still have more to sell. We have contacted all those on our prospect list but are looking for other companies that may not be aware of the exhibit opportunities at the CCA Convention. As a valuable client to the vendor companies that service your schools, you may consider sending the convention web links to your contacts at these businesses. Or, we'd be happy to follow-up if you could send your vendor contact information to us here at CCA. We hope that by having a full exhibit hall floor with vendors new to our organization, we'll be providing one more valuable benefit to all in attendance.

And finally, new to us this year is our participation in Twitter and Facebook. CCA will be regularly updating these sites with up to the minute exclusive coverage. To access the Twitter page, go to and Facebook fan site (search “career college association” in the search toolbar inside the Facebook platform and become a “fan”). We are encouraging our members to send CCA any Tweets, links, videos, multimedia content or questions related to the convention by accessing these new social media tools!

If you have any questions about any of the planning, please don't hesitate to contact me. We're looking forward to seeing you at the convention in a few months!

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